Do You Know ?

  1. It is impossible to lick the person his elbow .
  2. Coca-Cola color was basically Green .
  3. The number of chickens in world more than number of human .
  4. Horses and Rats couldn't vomit .
  5. Who speak English in China are more than the population of the United States of America .
  6. Money is not made ​​of paper But from cotton .
  7. Physically,the pig can't view the sky .
  8. Ketchup was used in the eighteenth century as a medicine .
  9. Honey is the only food that does not spoil .
  10. More than 50% of the world's population did not conduct or receive a single phone call .
  11. Intelligent people have a high percentage of zinc and copper in their hairs .
  12. 40% of McDonald's profits are of the meal "Happy Meal" .
  13. The size of your eyes now is the same size when you were born .
  14. Spoke with yourself, it makes you more intelligent and not crazy as some people think.
  15. The shoes  of high heels were in the past for men .
  16. Eat garlic and onions help to accelerate the growth of your hair .
  17. The doctors were beaten patients before the operation with a hammer behind the skull to lose consciousness for a period until the discovery of Anesthesiology .
  18. 95% of people around the world have tried once at least write their memoirs daily and they  failed .
  19.  Writing your negative ideas in the paper and throwing them in the trash can help you to amend your bad mood .
  20. Anger move honesty areas in the brain, so most of the people closest to telling the truth when they are angry .
