Informations for animals !!

- If the elephant died and it's standing, it still standing for a few hours before it falls in the ground.
Elephant die if entered in his ear an Ant .

The statut of the eyes in the head donkey allow to see its four hoofs permanently at once .

Lion's roar can be heard from a distance of 8 kilometers .

- The ostrich can run at speeds up to 80 kilometers per hour .
- Ostrich live up to 75 years and remains Able to reproduce until the age of fifty years old .

- The horse can sleep until he stood on his feet .
- Scientists have discovered, Wyoming, USA 1990, the remnants fossilized of a small horse lived in the past, and it was the size of a cat .

The number of sheeps in New Zealand about 70 million, while the number of the population does not exceed 4 million.

- Scientific research has proved that the poison female snakes stronger and more deadly than poison of males snakes.
- The head of the snake can bite even after half an hour after cut its head .

Chimpanzees can recognize himself in the mirror but normals monkeys do not could it.

If the amount of alcohol poured on the scorpion poisoned, he will frenzy and Sildg himself over and over again until it dies.

The dogs can hear sounds humans can not hear.

Romans used the cat symbol of freedom.

There is a kind of ant known as the 'ant killer' because it launched raids on neighboring ant colonies where kills their queens and looting their contents then take number of ants and forces him to work as slaves !

The owl can spin its head in the two direction an angle of 270 degrees .

The female of octopus put 60 thousand eggs then it stands its hideout and it dosn't leaves until it dies of hunger .

Cockroach, after inadvertent contact with human, it ran to his hideout to clean itself .

Dinosaur "stegosaurus" who weighs 80 thousand pounds, was has two brains , one in its head and the other in its tail .

Giant sea turtle lived 80 million years ago, and its size about three ping pong tables .
