New Genetically Modified Bacteria Inhaled Dioxide Carbon And Produce Energy

This new genetically modified bacteria can take dioxide carbon (CO2) from the atmosphere and convert it into energy, which will not solve the problem of the accumulation of CO2 gas, but it may help preserve our fuel fossil
Daniel G. Nocera is a professor of the science of energy in the Harvard University of bacteria genetically engineering enables to make them absorb hydrogen and carbon dioxide (CO2) and change them to alcohol fuel, the goal of which is to achieve high efficiency exceeding of plants efficiency
And he said during a session at the Institute of Energy Policy in Chicago : "At the moment we became able to manufacturing isopropanol , and Alaazobutanol, and Alaazoubintanol", and added: "All of these compounds is a spirit we can burn it directly, where alcohol is made up for Using hydrogen liberated from the water molecule and the (CO2) when this bacteria can absorb them"
This bacteria was named "Ralston Eutropha" which is taking hydrogen and (CO2) and convert them to adenosine triphosphate (adenosine triphosphate) (ATP), and it make enter the genes allow the (ATP) to switch to alcohol fuel.
The practical applications of the bacteria can breathe (CO2) and product energy are endless.
the Results of the study will be published soon.
