Vitamins, How Do They Work ?

Vitamins are a nourishing prerequisite to each human body, which requires no less than 13 vitamins and 16 minerals. These supplements fill a few natural needs in the human body, for example, controlling body forms, keep up cell wellbeing and proliferation. While these are as of now introduce in our dietary admission, they may not generally cover for the correct extent of the supplement content required by the body. This is the place vitamin supplements become an integral factor.

How do they work in the body ?

There are several kinds of vitamins used by the human body and each work in its own unique way.

Vitamin A for instance, helps boost vision and the immune system of the body. It also maintains the health of the skin and the mucous membrane.

Vitamin B provides energy to the body, and also maintains the health of the hair, skin, mouth, muscles and liver. It also aids in the breaking fats and proteins.

Vitamin C is a vital vitamin requirement of the body, as it helps in the production of collagen - a key ingredient of connective tissues. Connective tissues are present in nearly every part of the body, so its availability and production are crucial.

Vitamin D aids in the growth of teeth and bones by helping the body absorb phosphorus and calcium.
There are several other classes of vitamins, all of which play vital biological roles in the human body.

How do vitamins help athletes ?

Competitors are constantly occupied with practices which can put strain the metabolic pathways. This causes loss of supplements. Keeping in mind the end goal to remain fit and manufacture body and stamina, the supplement necessities of competitors are higher. Of all the vitamin classes, the lack f Vitamins B and D are considered the most vital, alongside a few minerals like iron, magnesium and zinc.
